Now Google AdWords Certified

After personally using Google AdWords for nearly 4 years to advertise a variety of different clients and teaching students since October 2009 from our SEO training course how to effectively setup and manage their own AdWords campaigns, I have spent the last week to become officially certified by Google in AdWords. It feels good knowing that all this time I have been correctly and effective in my AdWords campaign management and teachings.

Google Announces +1

Google has now announced it’s “+1″ button which will allow users to click +1 on content or search results that they recommend. From the above video it looks as though you will be able to embed a +1 button within different pages of you website allowing your visitors to recommend your content. It has been about a year since Facebook introduced it’s “like” button plug in, allowing visitors to your website to “like” your content sharing it within their Facebook account.

Google AdWords: What Not To Do!

This post will be very useful for those who are about to or are currently managing their own Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns on Google AdWords. Many businesses do manage their own AdWords campaigns in-house and simply don’t know what they’re doing and end up wasting their money while getting poor ROI.

Now there is a lot of things to consider when doing your own Google Adwords campaign but for this post i’d like to share just one of the many mistakes people make, please observe the picture below:

Think Twice Before Hiring That "Cheap" Online SEO Company

Search Engine Optimization is a constantly evolving industry and while search engine ranking algorithms get smarter, SEO gets harder, therefore choosing the right SEO company is essential. The sole purpose for search engines is to return the most accurate results and rankings when a user searches for different keywords. If the returned results are not good enough then the user making the search may switch to another search provider. To retain as many users as possible search engines constantly work on their algorithms which are used to determine how a website should rank.

Search Engine Optimization Bangkok, Thailand

For as long as there have been search engines, there has been SEO (search engine optimization). SEOs are people who try to manipulate the free organic search engine results for their website by performing different techniques both on their website and off their website. The sole reason to performing search engine optimization is to achieve higher free organic rankings and to get more exposure for a particular website. A whole industry has developed around this process, and there are various SEO companies of all sizes throughout the world.

Marketing In Bangkok

Marketing in Bangkok is a unique experience when compared to many other cities and certainly when compared to American cities. First, the Asian culture is completely different from the west. Second, although the overwhelming majority of people in Bangkok are Thai, there are also sizable communities of people who speak Japanese, English and Chinese.