Website Hosting & Server Management Bangkok, Thailand

Powerful hosting solutions tailor-configured for each client and optimized for speed and reliability.

Website Hosting & Server Management

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Website Hosting is Probably More Important Than You Realize

Website hosting is often neglected by most businesses. Many of our clients are either hosting their websites on shared servers that are crowded and slow or on servers located on the other side of the world, away from their main user base. Bad website performance and long load times affect user experience and your website’s on-site Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which can be detrimental to your its organic search rankings. We provide hosting solutions to many businesses in Thailand as well as throughout the world.

How Marketing Bangkok Provides Website Hosting

We host each of our clients on their very own Virtual Private Server (VPS) or Dedicated Server. This means that each of our clients gets their own server environment and dedicated resources which ensures their websites run fast and optimally. By providing clients with their own isolated server environment, we can fully optimize and customize every aspect of the server. Unlike shared hosting or managed hosting from other providers, we can install and configure software that the server needs to run. It also ensures security and performance by not sharing with other unknown websites.

Our Server Providers

While Marketing Bangkok takes care of the setup, configuration, management, and support, the servers themselves are deployed with industry-leading server providers who have data center locations around the world. Depending on our clients’ needs, we will recommend the best provider for the job. The server providers we use power some of the biggest sites on the web and have modern data centers with many fail-safes in place to ensure maximum reliability and up-time.

Marketing Bangkok Hosting Benefits
  • Secure - We implement a strict security policy and host each of our clients on their very own isolated Virtual Private Server (VPS) or Dedicated Server. This means our clients’ websites are not shared on the same server with other clients.
  • Fast - We optimize each server to help improve the speed of our clients’ websites, and we can deploy servers to data centers from all around the world.
  • Reliable - Our servers are hosted and managed in state-of-the-art data centers, and each server has automated daily backups.
  • Affordable - We provide fully managed, customized hosting for much cheaper than you would imagine.

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Website Hosting FAQ

What are the benefits of hosting with Marketing Bangkok?

While there are many hosting options available, and some are for unbelievable prices, not all hosting is created equal. Most dirt-cheap hosting is shared, and it is often located in the US, which is not good for Asia-based businesses. Shared hosting means you could be sharing server resources with thousands of other websites, which leads to slow speeds and potential security issues.

We only use the industry-leading server providers and set up each of our clients on their own highly optimized Virtual Private Server VPS or very own Dedicated Server, depending on their needs and requirements. This means our clients are hosted in their own isolated server operating system environment, which is more secure and can be completely custom configured for maximum speed.

How much does it cost?

The cost for our server management (hosting) service varies. It generally comes down to what kind of server you require for your website and how demanding hosting your websites will be. Our service is a special service that is not the same as purchasing hosting from a large-scale generic web hosting company. We provide the most ideal web hosting situation for our clients: their very own server with dedicated support and maintenance. While this may sound expensive, we keep it as affordable as possible. If you would like more information, please contact us with details about your website and business.


Managing Director

Managing Director