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Website Design & Development Bangkok, Thailand

What makes Marketing Bangkok sites special?

There are many choices out there when it comes to choosing who will design and develop your website, but here is why you should consider Marketing Bangkok for your next website project. With over 10 years of experience in the design and development of websites, we have built the reputation of providing not only modern, high-quality websites, but websites that convert traffic into customers.

Mobile Application Development Bangkok, Thailand

Mobile Application Benefits

With more than 90% of internet users in Thailand accessing the internet via their smartphones, mobile applications are becoming more and more viable for a larger number of businesses. In the past, mobile app development was expensive and difficult to maintain, creating a large barrier to entry for many businesses. However, with the growth of powerful new hybrid technologies, mobile app development has become much more cost-effective.

Website Hosting & Server Management

Website Hosting is Probably More Important Than You Realize

Website hosting is often neglected by most businesses. Many of our clients are either hosting their websites on shared servers that are crowded and slow or on servers located on the other side of the world, away from their main user base. Bad website performance and long load times affect user experience and your website’s on-site Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which can be detrimental to your its organic search rankings.

Google Ads Bangkok, Thailand

Show your product or service immediately to potential customers who are actively searching for it

We can show your product or service immediately to potential customers who are actively searching for it. This is the key advantage that Google Ads holds over almost every other marketing channel, both online and offline.

Search Engine Optimization Bangkok, Thailand

SEO and how you can rank higher

Search Engine Optimization is perhaps the most unique online marketing channel out there. With no set rules and lots of secrecy surrounding the ranking algorithms, it is the most challenging marketing medium there is. Here at Marketing Bangkok, we have devoted the past 10 years to testing, optimizing, and monitoring our clients’ websites so that they can reap the benefits of powerful organic search traffic.

Social Media Marketing Bangkok, Thailand

What are the benefits of Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing offers a chance to reach potential customers based on their demographics, locations, and interests. Unlike other channels such as SEO and Google Ads, where it’s possible to target potential customers based on what they’re searching for, social media offers detailed information about their users, which allows us to target users who are most likely to convert into a lead and a paying customer.