Google has now announced it’s “+1″ button which will allow users to click +1 on content or search results that they recommend. From the above video it looks as though you will be able to embed a +1 button within different pages of you website allowing your visitors to recommend your content. It has been about a year since Facebook introduced it’s “like” button plug in, allowing visitors to your website to “like” your content sharing it within their Facebook account.
Currently when looking on a search results page (SERPS) it will show back websites that you or your friends may have shared, but the process of sharing is a lot more involved than simply clicking on a +1 button. Soon we will see websites that have been +1′d by friends which will definitely impact the SEO world. Byttow says Google will “start to look at +1′s as one of the many signals we use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, including social signals from other services. For +1′s, as with any new ranking signal, we’ll be starting carefully and learning how those signals affect search quality over time.”
Google is in the process of slowly rolling out this new social signal, starting with just the English If you want to check out +1 buttons Google will soon let users opt-in via an experimental search site and if you’re interested in adding plus one buttons to your website you can visit here to sign up for notifications.