Are Your Throwing Money Away On PPC?
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ad campaigns are a great way to bring in tons of qualified traffic into a particle page on your website. We use Google AdWords for most of our clients and even for ourselves to help promote our 3 day SEO training course. Google AdWords is easy enough to setup and run but becomes much more complicated when it comes to getting the most out of your money. It’s very easy to incorrectly setup your campaign and waste your money, in fact almost every client and student who’s AdWords campaigns we’ve inspected are either setup incorrectly or far from optimal optimization.
We’re always online, either for work or for fun. So when we’re browsing around every so often we find really good examples of internet marketing that inspire us. However, more often than not we find a lot of bad internet marketing being practiced. In this case we have come across another poorly setup Marketing campaign that is costing this particular company money not in potential sales but for every click through. You might of read our post last month, Google AdWords: What Not To Do!, well this is easily much worse! Take a look at the following pictures after the Jump.

This first picture shows the ad on a website which is one of millions of websites in Google’s Display Network displaying AdWords ads. The design was so bad I thought i’d click on it to see where it would take me. It took me to a “404 Page Not Found” page. So not only does this person have a horrific looking ad, when someone clicks on the advertisement, they pay what ever the cost may be, only for the potential client to come to this next image.

Let Marketing Bangkok do the hard work for you. We’ll help design your image and text ads, configure appropriate keywords and optimize landing pages for the highest conversion rates. By using our SEO & internet marketing services we can increase business that is made through your website! Or you can learn how to setup and manage Google AdWords and other PPC campaigns by taking our 3 day SEO & internet marketing training course.