Recently we finished the complete re-design and development of the website for The Crown Property Bureau, which is the administrative agency responsible for managing the property of the King of Thailand. The project had to be secure, fast and have the ability to easily manage multiple types of content including real estate listings. Drupal 9 was the perfect choice for the content management system, offering ease of content management, user management and providing a very secure platform for the website.
Our creative team re-designed the website from scratch to be modern, fast and easy to use in Adobe XD, where the client was able to see how the website would look and function before commencement of the development. After approval, our development team converted the Adobe XD graphic design mockups into a Drupal 9 responsive bootstrap theme and created custom functionality to support the various types of content and requirements of the website.
Upon the successful completion of the project the client also chose our company to host, maintain and support the website. We setup and configured an ultra fast, secure Virtual Private Server (VPS) where the website was deployed.
With lots of content and graphics, the website still performs well in the Lighthouse tests, scoring 93/100 for desktop performance, and 82/100 for mobile phone performance. These scores are important not only for user experience, but can impact how Google will rank your website. If you website scores poorly, you website will be penalized due to negative user experience.
Take a look at our project here, https://www.crownproperty.or.th